The Mission
The goal of this project was to create a tech job review system
that's more curated than what we see on Glassdoor and similar
websites. As members of Women in Information and Computer
Sciences (WICS) at UCI, we have had the wonderful opportunity to be part of a
hard-working, supportive community, that we often lean on for
insight and advice when it comes to our career decisions. We
decided to create this webpage as a way to give back to the
organization that has done so much for us, by creating a single
space to gather peer-reviewed information about the experiences
of people like us. The experience of womxn at tech companies is
going to be unique in comparison to the general public,
therefore highlighting the importance of providing access to
reviews submitted primarily by womxn, and any committee members
that identify as our allies. An additional perk of this platform
is the ability to reach out to members that have worked in a
company or position of interest, with our provided contact
section. We hope that this collection of honest, anonymous
reviews, paired with the possibility of networking with a curent
or former employee of listed companies, will empower our fellow
WICS members to make informed career decisions.
The Creators
Hi, we're Danielle and Archita, former WICS board and committee
members. We created this project just before graduating as a way
to do something for WICS that will allow us to continue
contributing and remain involved, no matter where life takes us.
Thanks for taking the time to check out what we've made!